Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Paperless Publications

I work at a magazine, I subscribe to magazines, I buy magazines off of newsstands, lets just say I LOVE magazines. I must admit, some of them I just look at the pictures and others I read cover to cover. ANYWAY, my new obsession is the fantastic online publications that are popping up all over the place!! They're mostly interior design mags, but the images and articles are so interesting to me! Decorating my apartment has been an evolution and I am always looking for inspiration, these are a great source for me. So here are my top 5 inspiring design magazines that happen to be...online.
Are there any other online magazines that you read?


  1. i <3 lonny and adore!

  2. Those are some cool online reads, thanks for sharing. :)

    The Cat Hag

  3. I have to say I am on the same boat with you! I subscribe to about 12 publications, and still find my way to the local news stand and even more find their way home with me. I can't help it. I have seen a few of these online publication and you have turned me on to the others. Thanks! Have a great week!

  4. we just wanted to put out there that, that chair is extremly creativly awesome.

